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  • 许福星
    支持[0] 反对[0] 引用 11-01 02:45发表

    So the day before yesterday a friend of mine, Mr. Yang Lin, who is eighty-some, he said the teacher, ah, me and you have five generations of friendship and down, my son, grandson See also brought to your face. He sat there that day, I heard we are talking about children's education, he said that education is not how to fight? Fight, ah! We are playing origin. Four dozen of his sons, and they are drunk Yangshui the students. The spot where he was speaking, he said you asked my son, my son was small I was I beaten, not just playing, he did a great wrong, and I told him to lie on the bench, took off his pants, I was angry have to look not find something good to beat his ass, playing badly, my hands were sore for three days. Where his son laugh, Daddy you're hurt for three days, I have forty years of pain, is still it hurt. Fortunately, my father beat me out, I changed over, and do not fight to change, however. Father and son on his smile, he said on the thing, education, non-playing somet

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