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  • kohuilu
    支持[0] 反对[0] 引用 12-11 07:41发表

    child resistance is poor, therefore more vulnerable to bacteria infestation, because some children suffering from frequent colds and other pharyngitis, and eat a lot of drug effect is not satisfactory, the parents also worry about side effects. In medicine, this disease cult poison by the wind-heat invasion throat, or stomach organs known as the stagnant heat, on the red throat, or inflammation caused by the virtual fire. Therefore the treatment of pharyngitis, parents may wish to try traditional Chinese medicine massage - massage a 1. Children sitting or supine, parents to thumb, food, in the three days of conflict points that Jinie 30 to 50 times, and then gently rubbing the thumb pulp for 1 minute. 2. Anrou Hoku 1 minute. Tian Tu Tian Tu hole points: acupoints, can be used by the sitting posture Yang, Tian Tu points in the neck, the current median line between the two clavicle, sternum, on the central nest. Indications hiccups, cough, vomiting, nervous vomiting, pharyngitis, tonsill

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